expert specialist

Risk Management

31+ Years of Experience


1-5 of Testimonies

I bring more than three decades of valuation and risk management experience, with deep professional (i.e., industry) experience with financial products (e.g., ETFs, options, bonds, swaps, CDS, RMBS, CMBS, equities, futures and other derivatives) and extension of credit arrangements (i.e., standard and portfolio margin). I have been retained as an expert to provide opinions on option strategies such as put and call verticals, straddles, strangles and iron condors. I have been retained as an expert in cases that involved alleged violations of duty of care and suitability.

I conducted investment and operational due diligence analyses for asset managers, hedge and private equity funds. Created due diligence questionnaires (DDQs) for hedge and private equity funds. Assessed robustness of operations, business continuity plans, and financial processes. Generated quantitative analytics for the measurement and management of market, liquidity and concentration risks.

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