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Infectious Diseases Expert. INF-1809 is presently the medical director of an AIDS and immune disorder center of a southern California medical center. He is also an associate physician and research scientist. INF-1809 has been the coordinator of the division of infectious diseases since 1993. He is an assistant professor in residence at a local university. His professional activities include professional associations, several universities, and hospital committees including AIDS Institute Advisory Committee, community organization advisory boards, consulting for laboratories, journal reviews, and pharmaceutical company panels. INF-1809 is the author of more than 150 publications, articles, chapters, book reviews, and abstracts.


Research Fellow, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, University of California Los Angeles, School of Medicine

Clinical Fellow, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, University of California Los Angeles, School of Medicine

Resident, Internal Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, University of California Los Angeles, School of Medicine

Internship, Internal Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, University of California Los Angeles, School of Medicine

M.D., Georgetown University School of Medicine

B.A., University of California Los Angeles

University of California San Diego

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