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General Contractor Expert. GEN-1779 has 39 years of experience in real estate and construction in Southern California. From 1967 to 1986, GEN-1779 was CEO and president of a general contracting firm that completed 300 buildings totaling $75 million. He was also the managing general partner of several successful real estate development partnerships. Since 1987 GEN-1779, an independent consultant, has been a designated expert in 100+ matters involving construction defects or construction safety, including appointments as an independent consultant to the Court on construction defects. GEN-1779s expert engagements have included 30+ depositions, and he has testified in Court or Arbitration more than twenty times. Also, as a consultant to real estate investors and corporate users, GEN-1779 has inspected and reported on defects and/or deferred maintenance in hundreds of buildings.


B.S., Civil (Structural) Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder

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