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Accident Reconstruction Expert (ACC-2310)

Accident Reconstruction Expert. ACC-2310 is a director of a biomechanics laboratory, a physical education professor, and an adjunct professor of mechanical engineering in San Diego. He has over 35 years of experience in the fields of biomechanics, physical education, and mechanical engineering. His professional expertise and interests include the following: kinesiology, pathomechanics, injury prevention, footwear, indoor and outdoor pedestrian surfaces, and accident reconstruction in workplaces and automobiles. ACC-2310 has authored over 100 publications pertaining to physical education, sports safety, and exercise safety.


Ph.D., biomechanics, University of Oregon

M.A., physical education, University of Iowa

B.S., zoology, University of Durham, England

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 141
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