expert specialist

Actuary Expert (ACT-1439)

Actuary Expert. ACT-1439 has 25 years of experience as an actuary. A consulting actuary, he designs life and health insurance products, analyzes general pricing issues, determines appropriate underwriting requirements for achieving required mortality levels, and quantifies the protective value of various underwriting tests and requirements. In addition, he is a frequent speaker at Society of Actuaries seminars and underwriting meetings. He is a member of the planning and program committees of the Second International Underwriting Congress and the Home Office Life Underwriter Association, respectively. ACT-1439 has also been employed as an actuary for Mutual of Omaha, JC Penny, and Great American Reserve.


B.S., Mathematics & Physics (French minor), Iowa State University at Ames

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 165
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