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Agricultural Law Expert (AGR-1338)

Agricultural Law Expert. AGR-1338 has emphasized agricultural law litigation and bankruptcy law during more than 30 years of practice. He has tried over 100 agricultural law matters and filed over 80 Chapter 12 family farmer bankruptcies. His clients have included livestock markets, packers, produce companies, farmers, ranchers, and livestock dealers. He has had considerable experience with the Packers & Stockyards Act of 1921 as amended, and with the Perishable Agriculture Commodities Act. He has represented both debtors and creditors in hundreds of Chapters 7, 11, 12, and 13 bankruptcy proceedings. He served as executive counsel of the Livestock Marketing Association in Washington, D.C., from 1977 to 1980, and he has made a number of presentations before Congress. Before becoming an attorney, AGR-1338 owned and operated a livestock market in Nebraska and was a market agency and livestock dealer. He is an auctioneer.


J.D., Arizona State University

B.A., University of Iowa

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 735
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