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City Planning Expert (CIT-2154)

City Planning Expert. CIT-2154 is the coordinator of the Program in Housing and Urban Development at an Arizona university, where he has taught for over ten years. He is also the founding chair of the University Interdisciplinary Committee on City and Regional Planning. Since 1974 he has supervised studies and plans for many Arizona cities, including Phoenix, Glendale, Guadalupe, and Surprise. And he has sat on civic committees related to land use and city planning in Arizona, Texas, and Colorado. CIT-2154 is the author of many published articles and a reviewer for several journals, including the Journal of the American Planning Association and the Journal of Planning Education and Research. He has also written a book, Law in Urban Design and Planning.


Ph.D., City planning, specializing in urban design and land development control law, University of Pennsylvania

M.F.A., Architecture, Princeton University

B.A., Architecture (magna cum laude), Princeton University

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 198
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