expert specialist

Civil Engineer Expert (CIV-1380)

Civil Engineer Expert. CIV-1380 has more than 25 years of design and construction management experience. He is a principal in a firm providing project management oversight and technical support to construction managers and residential engineers. He performed project management for $ 100 million worth of highway improvements for one of the first Caltrans construction contracts to be performed by an outside consultant. Other projects include the City of San Mateo Transit Center, seismic upgrade of the City of San Mateo Central Garage, the City of Sunnyvale Golf Course and Community Center, and wastewater treatment plants for South San Francisco and the West County Wastewater District. CIV-1380 also has extensive dispute resolution and claims experience, including assisting with claim review and settlement strategy during mediation of a $1-million dollar claim for San Joses Arco Arena. He was in charge of an area relief center during the 1989 Loma Prieta earth


B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Colorado

Graduate Studies, Sanitary Engineering, University of Colorado

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 136
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