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Civil Engineering Expert (CIV-1385)

Civil Engineering Expert. CIV-1385 has over twenty years of experience in construction, investigation, and rehabilitation of concrete structures. He has constructed reinforced concrete buildings, masonry, and concrete retaining walls, foundations, and pavements. He has investigated residential foundations, marine structures, freezer structures, residential and industrial slabs, high-rise buildings, parking garages, tunnels, dams, and other structures. He has worked on projects involving distress due to corrosion of metal in concrete, sulfate attack, cracking, and construction-related defects in concrete foundations and slabs. CIV-1385 teaches a course in concrete technology at a university engineering extension. He has published and presented technical papers in engineering journals and at conferences.


M.S., Civil Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Bombay, India

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 99
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