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Electrical Engineering Expert (ELE-1423)

Electrical Engineering Expert. ELE-1423 is a professor of electrical engineering and holds an endowed chair at an Arizona university. He has written several book chapters and dozens of papers for technical journals. Also an active engineering consultant, he has worked with the U.S. Department of Energy, Arizona Public Service, and the Electric Power Research Institute. He is also frequently called to testify as an expert witness. For ten years ELE-1423 worked for EBSCO Services, where he was a chief consulting electrical engineer, chief engineer of computer technologies, and manager of electrical systems. Previously, he was a program manager and IREQ fellow at the Hydro Quebec Institute of Research. He has been honored for his writings, teaching, and research. In 1996 he received an honorary doctorate degree from the Technical University of Budapest, his alma mater.


Doctorate in Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Budapest

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Science

Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Budapest

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 131
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