expert specialist

General Surgeon Expert (GEN-1140)

General Surgeon Expert. GEN-1140, a clinical lecturer in family and community medicine, has been teaching in medical schools since 1966 when he was an instructor in surgery at Columbia University. He is an adjunct professor to the Uniformed Health Sciences University. After service to the Navy, he provided primary health care until 2000. He has provided consulting services since. He lectured to medical students on the pathophysiology of shock; wound healing, management of the drug-overdose victim, C.P.R, and crisis intervention in the emergency department. He also directed programs for paramedics and emergency medical services. He has published dozens of papers, on such topics as head and hand injuries, ceroid granuloma, intra-abdominal bleeding, electrical injury, and trauma in patients influenced by drugs and alcohol. He is now working on a multidisciplinary program in substance abuse and crime reduction.


Unknown, Yale University, Unknown, Cornell Medical College, Unknown, St. Luke’s Hospital, New York, NY

Unknown, St. Luke’s Hospital, New York, NY

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 145
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