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Human Factors Expert. HUM-1658 is a psychology professor and former chair of the psychology department at the University of Rochester. He is also a partner in a human factors consulting firm, serving legal, business, and governmental clients in three areas: evaluation of eyewitness testimony and identification; memory accuracy and recovery; and human factors issues in safety, accident evaluation, equipment design, and training adequacy. He has taught seminars for lawyers and trial judges on the criteria governing challenges to the memorial and perceptual testimony. And he has been an expert witness in more than twenty cases.HUM-1658 has been a consultant to the United States Air Force Safety and Inspection Center since 1982. He is also a consultant to several railway safety institutes within the Illinois Institute of Technology Research.


Ph.D., Psychology, Stanford University

M.A., Psychology, Wesleyan University

B.A., Philosophy, University of Michigan

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