expert specialist

Internal Medicine Expert (INT-2318)

Internal Medicine Expert. INT-2318 is an associate director of hypertension at a southern California VA hospital. He is a clinical professor of medicine at local medical centers. INT-2318 has been a staff physician at a local hypertension center since 1991. He is also a consulting physician for the heart disease prevention center. INT-2318 has published over 75 articles, abstracts, and book chapters.


Chief Resident, Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, LA, CA

Resident, Physician, VA Wadsworth General Hospital, LA, CA

Assistant, Medicine, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, MA

Research Fellow, Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, CA

Intern, New York Hospital, Cornell Medical Center, NY, NY

M.D., Harvard Medical School


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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 203
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