A Security and Safety Expert and is the founder and president of Proper Authorities. He has education and work experience specifically in Law Enforcement, Security, and Safety. He has been instrumental in developing programs, that are responsive to POST, OSHA, and other legislated or recommended security programs.
He has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from U.S.C. where he specialized in Personnel, Supervision, Management and Training. Along with that he also holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration from U.S.C. in which he specialized in Personnel, Management, Training and Disaster Preparedness.
This expert and his company have been recognized as experts in Use of Force among other recognized expertises. He estimates 90% of his work deals with Use of Force – the cases have involved bouncers, security officers and personal (person v. person). He estimates he has worked on about a dozen cases involving personal altercations.
He has researched and developed several programs specifically involving a team of expert instructors and evaluators for safety programs for use by corporations and individuals. Most of the programs are part of the CalOSHA Safety Guidelines and requirements for specific industries or responsive to other legislation.
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