expert specialist

Neurologist Expert (NEU-1819)

Neurologist Expert. NEU-1819 is currently in private practice. He has experience speaking at various hospitals and medical centers on subjects of Parkinsons disease, migraines, and antiepileptic drugs. NEU-1819 is a member of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.


Resident, Neurology, UC San Diego, CA

Internship, Internal Medicine, UC Irvine, CA

M.D., AOA, UC Irvine, College of Medicine, CA

M.S., Neurosciences, UC San Diego, CA

B.A., Psychobiology, (Honors in the Major, College Honors, Comprehensive Honors), UC Santa Cruz

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 98
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