expert specialist

Obstetrics and Gynecology Expert (OBS-1585)

Obstetrics and Gynecology Expert. OBS-1585 has been in private practice of obstetrics and gynecology since 1961. His previous experience includes chief of obstetrics and gynecology at a southern California medical center. OBS-1585 is the author of several publications, including “Paracervical Block for Pain Relief in Labor,” “Improved Transvaginal Needle Guide,” and “The Combined Paracervical-Dudenal Block Anesthesia for Labor and Delivery”. He is a member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.


Resident, OB/GYN, University of Iowa

Internship, Los Angeles County Hospital

M.D., University of Iowa

Undergraduate, University of Iowa

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 131
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