expert specialist

Orthopedic Surgeon Expert. OPH-2278 has been with a southern California eye center since 1989. He is in clinical practice with a local university ophthalmology association. He is also an assistant professor at the university. OPH-2278s continuing medical education includes the Beckman laser course, ISRS Lasik course, AAO Lasik course, and the glaucoma update course. He is the author of many publications, posters, abstracts, and presentations.


Resident, Ophthalmology, University of California Irvine

Internship, Internal Medicine, Long Beach VA Hospital, California

M.D., University of California, Irvine

M.S., Molecular Biology, University of California Irvine

B.A., Chemistry, University of California Riverside, Irvine

B.S., Biology, University of California Riverside, Irvine

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