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Optometrist Expert. OPT-1594 is the director for continuing education in optometry at a northern California university. His major interest are in two areas: 1) clinical optometry and binocular vision anomalies and 2) the role of optometry in the detection and management of ocular disease, including the developing relationships between optometry and the other healing arts professions. OPT-1594 is active in the area of continuing education and has given more than 150 lectures on various subjects to optometric groups in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South America. He has published many articles on subjects relating to optometry.

Ph.D., Physiological Optics, University of California Berkeley

M.S., Physiological Optics, University of California Berkeley

B.A., Public Health, University of California Los Angeles

D.O., Optometry, Los Angeles College of Optometry

A.A., San Bernardino Junior College
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