expert specialist

Questioned Documents Expert (QUE-1800)

Questioned Documents Expert. Questioned Documents Expert. QUE-1800 is an associated documents examiner in the forensics section of a Southern California police department. He conducts examinations of questioned documents whose source, history, and authenticity are disputed. He performs the comparison of signatures, handwriting, hand printing, typewriting, photocopies, and mechanical impressions; detection of tracings and simulations; detection and decipherment of trace, latent, and obscured evidence, including overwriting, indented writing, erasures, obliterations, and other alterations; differentiation of inks, papers, and printing processes; photography; microscopy; electromagnetic, electrostatic, and digital imaging; preparation of displays, transparencies, and other visual aids for the presentation of evidence in court; and expert testimony in court in all areas of question documents examinations.


Post-graduate studies in Law, Louisiana State University Law Center

B.A., Louisiana State University

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Published: February 3, 2019
Views: 796
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