Transportation Expert. TRA-1719 is a passenger transportation consultant with a mix of consulting, operating, and research experience. For seven years he was the vice-president and general manager of a regional transportation company, managing more than 500 drivers, 50 employees, and 300 diverse vehicles. He was responsible for taxicab operations, fixed-route bus service, and public dial-a-ride service, among other divisions. During this time he managed advanced dispatching and telecommunications systems and built the nations largest privately owned liquefied-natural-gas fueling station and bus fleet. TRA-1719 is presently the principal of a consulting firm that serves transportation providers. Personally managing all consulting projects, he prepares proposals, marketing plans, and cost analyses; prepares procurement specifications for public transportation projects; provides testimony before regulatory agencies and advice on regulatory processes; develops
M.B.A., Contract Administration, Saint Edwards University
B.B.A., Business major, Psychology minor, Sam Houston State University
A.S., Digital Technology, Lee College
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